Washington,DC,USA -The Enviromental Leader -June 12, 2009: --The first Hybrid Day On the Hill,organized by clean transportation groupCALSTARTand its Hybrid Truck Users Forum (HTUF), warns that hybrid trucks need help to succeed and retain the technology lead American firms now have... The event outlined the benefits of hybrid technology, and provided highlights from a new Duke University study, commissioned by the Environmental Defense Fund and CALSTART’sHybrid Truck Users Forum Incentives Working Group.The report indicates that more than 30 states are home to truck and component manufacturing and development in the clean truck sector, and that the growth of the industry offers solid economic opportunities forthe U.S...The U.S. trucking industry consumes more than 52 billion gallons of fuel each year and accounts for 21 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions from transport activities, according to the report. By using hybrid drivetrain technology for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles, the industry can improve fuel economy by 20-50 percent with a corresponding decrease in greenhouse gas emissions and smog-forming pollutants... The study finds that by 2020, if the market produces 60,000 hybrid trucks as projected, these low and high scenarios would translate into an estimated 52 million to 130 million gallons of fuel saved and .6 million to 1.4 million tons of CO2 reduced per year...(Picture from hjarsaas: hjarsaas truck)
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