User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKS' PARKING * USA - Bill Would Offer Federal Grants to Create Spaces

May 12, 2009

TRUCKS' PARKING * USA - Bill Would Offer Federal Grants to Create Spaces

A new legislative proposal would provide $20 million in each of the next six years for a pilot program designed to generate more truck parking spaces across the country

Washington,DC,USA -Transport Topics, by Michele Fuetsch -May 11, 2009: -- ... The House bill would allow state and local governments, truck stops and even shippers to obtain federal grants to build parking spaces or install safety improvements, such as lighting and cameras, said Rep. Paul Tonko (D-N.Y.), the bill’s sponsor.... Tonko said an implication of the federal hours-of-service regulations for commercial drivers is that it is necessary to make “accessible the parking areas that are essential for our nation’s truckers.”.. A 2002 study by the Federal Highway Administration found 35 states had shortages of truck parking. Except for California, most of the states with shortages were in the Northeast and the Midwest... (Photo from elkorose: Mill trucks: Dunphy, Nevada)



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