User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Thieves from Trucks * USA - Cut catalytic converters off

May 10, 2009

Thieves from Trucks * USA - Cut catalytic converters off

St. Johnsbury,VT,USA -AP/Fox News 44 -May 8, 2009: -- Police in St. Johnsbury say someone stole catalytic converters from trucks parked in a car lot, cutting them off six new GMC pickups with a saw... The thefts, discovered Wednesday, occurred at St. Johnsbury Auto, which has been plagued with vandalism and thefts. Vermont State Police Trooper, Lyle Decker, says the dealership - which is surrounded by woods - has had six such incidents... Catalytic converters, which clean an engine's exhaust before it's discharged, contain platinum and have been targeted before by thieves looking to cash them in at junkyards... (Photo Wikipedia: Dodge Catalicit Converter)



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