User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: INFRA...? ...STRUCTURES ??? * USA - Rough ride for roads

May 9, 2009

INFRA...? ...STRUCTURES ??? * USA - Rough ride for roads

New York,NY,USA -Fleet Owner, by Sean Kilcarr -May 8, 2009: -- The ever-worsening shape of our roads in this country is costing all drivers – truckers and the average motorist alike – a lot of extra money that could be better spent elsewhere... According to a new report entitled “Rough Roads Ahead: Fix Them Now or Pay for It Later” released today by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and The Road Information Program (TRIP), driving on rough roads costs the average American motorist approximately $400 a year in extra vehicle operating costs... Along with that, drivers living in urban areas with populations over 250,000 are paying upwards of $750 more annually because of accelerated vehicle deterioration, increased maintenance, additional fuel consumption, and tire wear caused by poor road conditions, the report claims...



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