Salt Lake City,UTH,USA -KSL TV, by John Hollenhorst -May 18th, 2009: -- There's a method of steering a big truck that's so obscure you've probably never heard of it, but it's considered dangerous enough to be banned i n Utah and several other states.... We watched a parade of five windmill blades in Clearfield. On tight turns, the rear end of each trailer was actually being steered by remote control by the pilot driver in the escort vehicle following the trailer... If an extra long trailer is not steered and is simply pulled through a tight turn, it will cut the corner, which could be disastrous. A steerable rear axle allows the trailer to swing wide enough to make the turn... Traditionally, a so-called "tillerman" rides or walks at the rear end and steers it through a tight turn. On straight-aways, tillermen aren't needed. So, for a few tight turns on a long trip, trucking companies save money if the escort driver doubles up as a remote-control tillerman... A trucking industry spokesman told us regulations across the country are highly confused and need reform, but he says if regulations are too strict it will be too costly.. Labels: extra long trailers
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