User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: BILLS & LAWS * USA - Idaho Senate committee works on road bills

Apr 15, 2009

BILLS & LAWS * USA - Idaho Senate committee works on road bills

State Sen., Tim Corder, owner of a local trucking company, is a proponent of increasing fees on long-haul truckers who drive through the state. He contends they aren’t currently paying their fair share compared to the wear-and-tear they add to Idaho roads

Boise,Idaho,USA -The Associated Press/The Trucker, by JOHN MILLER -15 April 2009: -- Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter’s plans for new roads taxes, dumped by the House, were given a lift Tuesday by the Senate Transportation Committee... Republican lawmakers including Chairman John McGee, one of the Republican governor’s chief allies, approved two bills now slated to be amended with proposals to raise millions, including from possible increases to Idaho’s gas tax... One of the bills is a House-passed measure to dump a tax exemption on ethanol that costs Idaho some $18 million annually. The other would raise driver’s license and other fees some $13 million... What the bills finally look like, however, will set up the 2009 Legislature’s final slugfest as part of Otter’s edict to lawmakers: they won’t go home without giving him millions more in highway cash...



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