Anti fog light * Australia - Campaign pays off for truckie
Queensland,Australia -ATN, by Brad Gardner -2 April 2009: -- A truck driver’s anti fog lights campaign is paying off, with stricter standards set to be introduced amid a media blitz aimed at culprits flouting the laws...Amendments to the Australian Road Rules (ARR) ban the use of front fog lights in clear weather conditions, which Queensland-based truckie Rob Nielsensays will go a long way to improving safety on the road... Rather than using them for their intended purpose,Nielsen says drivers leave them on in all weather conditions, blinding oncoming drivers...Nielsen, who has been a truck driver for 35 years, is also responsible for promoting in-cab truck cameras through his Watch the Road initiative... He says the cameras are designed to run-ins with fellow road users and enforcement officers to show what the industry must contend with on a daily basis...(Picture: "Fog Light Fury")
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