User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Transportation Projects * USA - Stimulus Package Funds Thousands Ones

Mar 26, 2009

Transportation Projects * USA - Stimulus Package Funds Thousands Ones

Washington,DC,USA - The Voice of America News, by Chris Simkins -21 March 2009: -- The Obama administration says money from the economic stimulus package will lead to the creation of tens of thousands of construction jobs and help strengthen the U.S. economy. Stimulus money has already triggered several transportation projects, including the widening of a highway and a bridge replacement in Missouri... The stimulus package contains $48 billion overall for transportation projects... President Obama says more than 200 highway construction projects have been started since the stimulus package was signed into law in February. Some of the money will go to improving mass transportation and airports... Obama estimates that by the end of 2010, the "investment in highways will create or save 150,000 jobs," mostly in the private sector... (Photo: Highway construction site in Missouri)

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