User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: MEXICANS' TRUCKS * USA - Mutual Benefit: Restore and Expand Mexico Truck Program

Mar 26, 2009

MEXICANS' TRUCKS * USA - Mutual Benefit: Restore and Expand Mexico Truck Program

Miami,FL,USA -Latin Business Chronicle, by James M. Roberts -March 25, 2009: -- ... Increasing efficiency in trade between the United States and Mexico will benefit both sides and strengthen President Calderon's pro-market policies, argues James Roberts from the Heritage Foundation... The U.S. and Mexican economies are deeply intertwined, and both face serious problems. Increasing efficiency in trade between the two countries will benefit both sides and strengthen Mexican President Felipe Calderon's pro-market, democratic policies. Improving the safety of both the U.S. and Mexican long-haul truck fleet will also contribute to improved national security in both countries... Then-candidate Obama pledged to "upgrade" and "retool" NAFTA, but his approval of the Congressional action to kill the pilot truck program was a direct attack on NAFTA...

* Mexico - Clinton cites progress in Mexican trucking dispute

Mexico City,DF.MEX -Reuters, by Lisa Lambert, Doug Palmer; & Eric Walsh (Washington,DC,USA) -Mar 25, 2009: -- Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, said on Wednesday the United States and Mexico were making headway on efforts to resolve a dispute over Mexican trucks operating in the United States... "On the trucking dispute, we are working to try to resolve it. We are making progress. We think that there will be a receptive audience in (the U.S.) Congress," she told reporters as she flew to Mexico for a two-day visit...



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