User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Battery Breakthrough * USA - Could Make Electric Cars Practical

Mar 26, 2009

Battery Breakthrough * USA - Could Make Electric Cars Practical

MASS,USA -Australian Broadcasting Corp. News (Australia), by Jennifer Macey -12 March 2009: -- Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have developed battery cells capable of charging in under a minute, approximately 100 times faster than a regular rechargeable battery... The breakthrough could revolutionize electric car battery technology and pave the way for ultra-fast charging electric vehicles in as little as two years... The discovery came when MIT researchers found out how to get a common lithium compound to release and take up lithium ions in a matter of seconds. The compound, known as lithium iron phosphate, has a crystal structure that creates perfectly sized tunnels for lithium to move through, allowing the team to reach faster charging rates... The MIT researchers say their battery could be especially critical to making electric cars more practical. Rather than waiting hours for the car battery to recharge, it could take as short a time as filling the tank with gas... The renewable energy sector is also looking with interest at any developments in battery technology, as the storage of energy from the sun or wind is one of the main obstacles to the wider take-up of green energy...



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