User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKS SALES * UK - Scottish Coal purchases 32 Terex trucks

Oct 27, 2008

TRUCKS SALES * UK - Scottish Coal purchases 32 Terex trucks

Ayrshire,Scotland,UK -Mining Enviromental -27 Oct 2008: -- Scottish Coal, part of the Scottish Resources Group, has recently added 16 Terex TR100 rigid trucks to its mining fleet at the Pennyvenie opencast coal mine in Ayrshire, Scotland. The company has also ordered a further 16 units which will be delivered to their Lanarkshire site later this year... The new trucks will be used to move overburden such as peat, sub soil and rock, and will be loaded by Terex RH120Cs and RH120Es shovels. The project is expected to last three to five years during which time the coal extracted will be processed and delivered throughout the UK...



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