INFRASTRUCTURES * Canada - Alberta road quality ranked seventh in nation
Calgary,Alberta,CAN -The Calgary Herald, by Richard Cuthbertson-October 23, 2008: --Poor roads may be contributing to higher numbers of fatal heavy truck collisions on Alberta highways, says a new report...Only 63 per cent of Alberta's roads are considered in good condition, according to a Fraser Institute study on transportation in Canada.That ranks us seventh out of 10 provinces in the study, which excludes the territories... The lead author, University of North Carolina at Charlotte professorDavid Hartgen, said Alberta's overall performance is "quite solid"...(Photograph by : Dean Bicknell, Calgary Herald - A Fraser Institute study says only 63 per cent of Alberta's roads are considered to be in good condition)
* N.S. governmentcalls for study into creating truck corridor throughHalifax
Halifax,N.S.,CAN -The Canadian Press-23 Oct 2008: --Nova Scotia's provincial government is going to do a detailed study on the idea of adding a truck lane to the CN train corridor that runs through Halifax, Economic Development Minister, Angus MacIsaac,announced Thursday... The goal is to reduce traffic congestion in the centre of the city, make the port more efficient and possibly add a bikeway and footpath to the 6.8-kilometre rail cut between the Halterm terminalsand the Bedford Basin... MacIsaacsaidthe study will indicate the exact price tag on the project, though in earlier estimates the changes to the rail corridor have been estimated at about $80 million... The port has struggled this year, as shipping lines have departed amidst complaints over train service... In July the port announced cargo shipments had fallen 16 per cent compared to the previous year...
* Provinces'infrastructure ranked -Ontariobest in trucking
Vancouver,BC,USA -Today's Trucking -23 Oct 2008: --Study compares the transportation infrastructure of the 10 Canadian provinces...The well-respected libertarian, free-market think tank concludes thatOntariohas the best all-round transportation system inCanadawhileNewfoundland and B.C.have the worst...Ontariois followed closely byNova Scotiain second spot andQuebec in third, while Saskatchewanalso faired poorly, ranking slightly ahead ofBritish Columbiaand Newfoundland...Nova Scotia, the Fraser Institute determined, was the best province for freight movement, mainly due to its robust rail and marine transport systems...(Picture: Ontario ranked only fourth for overall freight infrastructure, but scored best in all the trucking measurables)
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