Iowa 80 * USA - Billed as the world’s largest truck stop

Walcott,Iowa,USA - Fleet Owner, by Skil Carr -September 12, 2008: -- ... What an amazing place – not only HUGE (covering 200 acres) but unique, too, with an on-site movie theatre, dentist office, barber shop, and plenty of home-style food provided by its gigantic restaurant to serve the 5,000 people who come through the truck stop every day. Even a fleet of its very own snow-removal equipment is ready to roll at a moment’s notice to deal with the big blizzards that hit Iowa from time to time... Not too shabby for a place that began as just a small, white enamel building with two diesel pumps, one lube bay and a tiny restaurant, located in the middle of Iowa cornfields...“Walcott Truckers Jamboree” (part show truck Mecca, part country fair) every year since 1979.

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