FOREIGN LORRIES DEBATE * UK - Eight times more dangerous than British trucks
Foreign lorry drivers are eight times more likely to be involved in a serious or fatal accident than their British counterparts, official figures show
* How the EU Superstate Has Created a Menace on Our Roads
London,UK -BNP News -September 22, 2008: -- ... Even the Executive Director of the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety, Robert Gifford, has admitted that the problem lies in the EU open roads policy and the lack of British standards across all of Europe... “In addition to tougher penalties and better enforcement of the law once these vehicles have reached the UK, we also need to look at preventing them from coming here in the first place,” Mr Gifford said... “The UK licensing system, involving annual tests and roadside inspections, has resulted in UK lorries being the safest on the roads and, on a mile for mile basis, being involved in about half the number of accidents as cars.” ... “More consistent enforcement across Europe is essential, ensuring that our high standards of roadworthiness are supported throughout the EU.” ... The situation is about to get much worse as European truck drivers are set to swarm onto Britain’s roads because of new competition laws passed in Brussels...
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