User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: STOLEN TRUCKS * USA - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Detectives On Lookout For Tow Trucks Hauling Stolen Goods

Aug 13, 2008

STOLEN TRUCKS * USA - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Detectives On Lookout For Tow Trucks Hauling Stolen Goods

Several officers spent Tuesday cracking down on illegal tow truck drivers in an attempt to slow a growing crime in Charlotte

Charlotte, N.C.,USA -WSOCtv, by Ashlea Kosikowski -August 12, 2008: -- ... Police say some truckers are stealing primarily older cars and selling them at salvage yards, where they stand to make hundreds for a car because of scrap metal prices... By law, tow trucks must have markings on the side with their company name, phone number and address. Sgt. Rich Tonsburg of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department said often the trucks without markings have something to hide... Police cited the man with not having proper markings on the truck, driving without a license and a having a fictitious tag. They also confiscated the truck... So, instead of getting hundreds of dollars for the car he was towing, the driver ended up with a court date and a long walk home... Police said it's difficult to tell just how many cars are being stolen and taken to salvage yards. Detectives said their rate of recovery of stolen cars is down by about 20 to 25 percent from 10 years ago, which is why they believe it is happening often... (See Video)



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