User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: CORPORATIVE NEWS * USA - National Association of Small Trucking Companies

Aug 29, 2008

CORPORATIVE NEWS * USA - National Association of Small Trucking Companies

By David Owen: President - National Association of Small Trucking Companies

Hendersonville,TN,USA -TruckExec, by Joe White -28 Aug 2008: -- Our members represent arguably the largest niche (by carrier) in the trucking industry, i-e., for-hire, full truckload, long haul companies with fewer than 100 power units. Generally speaking, most of them have a simple operating plan that operates on a weekly cycle. Their trucks and drivers are outbound on Sunday evening or Monday morning and back on Friday evening in time for the local high school football game. The trucks go through the maintenance shop on Saturday while the driver restarts with family time... During the Monday through Friday road week, the goal of the company is secure for the truck and the driver, the maximum number of loaded miles with a profitable rate and a fuel surcharge that can be run safely and legally. Our small carriers cannot grow or prosper without giving their drivers consistent loaded miles, and consistent weekend family time, plus consistent weekly maintenance on their rolling stock... Since they must run every week to retain customers and drivers, they must buy over-the-road diesel fuel no matter what the price. Fuel surcharges have helped mitigate the recent unprecedented eighteen month movement of fuel, but there is always a time lag that is seldom recovered and, no one collects a fuel surcharge 100% of the time. Needless to say, the last eighteen months have not been profitable ones for any segment of the trucking business for this reason... Beginning in June however, I feel the dynamics in the market showed some signs of changing for the better...



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