User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: PrePass * USA - Illinois Trucking: Greener Every Day

Aug 28, 2008

PrePass * USA - Illinois Trucking: Greener Every Day

Illinois DOT Truck Technology Project Reduces Emissions, Boosts Industry Efficiency

Peoria,ILL,USA -PRNewswire/The Earth Times -28 Aug 2008: -- The Illinois Department of Transportation's (IDOT) adoption of PrePass truck technology almost ten years ago has reduced greenhouse gas and related emissions by more than 17,000 metric tons. Based on the program's projected success, PrePass is anticipated to cut emissions during the next decade by an estimated 29,000 metric tons, the equivalent of eliminating all emissions from more than 525 cars per year... PrePass is a sophisticated technology enabling qualified motor carriers tocomply electronically with Illinois weight, safety and credential requirementsat highway speeds... Motor carrier participation is strictly voluntary andcarrier eligibility is subject to strict safety qualifications... Since its deployment in Illinois, PrePass has saved carriers more than$103 million in operational costs, including fuel savings of more than 7.7million gallons. By enabling enforcement personnel to concentrate on thosetrucks most likely to be noncompliant, and by reducing lane-changing andcongestion around weigh stations, PrePass also makes highways safer for all motorists... (Video from YouTube, by tomwiles -January 11, 2008: "Northern Illinois" Driving through Northern Illinois and the west Chicago area)



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