Medical Certification * USA - Truckers' using Chantix, not likely
Washington,DC,USA -Land Line Magazine -August 27, 2008: -- Truckers taking Chantix to help them quit smoking won’t be sailing through the medical certification process... Growing concern on the part of the Food and Drug Administration prompted the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to caution physicians against certifying the medical fitness of any trucker taking the prescription medication... The FDA issued a public health advisory early this year on varenicline, the scientific name of the drug commercially sold as Chantix... According to the Institute for Safe Medication Practices, in the fourth quarter of 2007 varenicline accounted for 988 serious injuries in the U.S. reported to the FDA, more than any other individual drug. By comparison, the FDA received a median average of five reports of serious injury for 769 different drugs in the fourth quarter...
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