User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Public-private Partnerships * USA - DOT: Reach record levels

Jul 23, 2008

Public-private Partnerships * USA - DOT: Reach record levels

A new DOT report found that the use of public-private partnerships is increasing at record pace due to their proven track record of relieving congestion and encouraging infrastructure development, Transportation Secretary Mary E. Peters said

Washington,DC,USA -The Trucker News Services -23 July 2008: -- The number of public-private partnerships in the U.S. transportation sector has soared to record levels in recent years and continues to climb, according to a new Department study, announced Tuesday by U.S. Transportation Secretary Mary E. Peters... The new report found that more transportation public-private partnerships were completed over the last three years than in any other compatible time period. According to the report, more than 20 major highway and transit projects are currently being conducted in partnership with the private sector at various stages of development in the U.S... The report also found that the use of public-private partnerships is increasing at record pace due to their proven track record of relieving congestion and encouraging infrastructure development, Peters said...



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