With semitrucks making 5-8 miles per gallon, even a small savings adds up
Rapid City,S.D.,USA -The Associated Press/The Trucker -21 July 2008: --Commercial truckers are slowing down to get the most miles out of every gallon of diesel fuel in their tanks, according to a South Dakota trucking industry official...Higher fuel costs — around $4.60 a gallon for diesel — have a deep and direct financial impact on truckers, saidMyron Rau, president of the South Dakota Trucking Association... Anders has had his trucks programmed for a 70 mph limit for about a year. Now, he's moving down closer to 65 mph. But he also has a lighter foot in other vehicles as well...Efforts by commercial truckers to save fuel by slowing down can run head-on into the deadline realities truckers also face,Rausaid.And with individual drivers limited to 11 road hours a day, slower speeds can further complicate delivery schedules, he said...The direct impact of the fuel cost hits hardest among those who buy the fuel. But it spreads quickly through society, because the trucking industry is the dominant carrier nationally,Rausaid...(Photo: With semitrucks making 5-8 miles per gallon, even a small savings adds up)
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