OffPeak Program * USA - PierPASS Diverts Nine Million Truck Trips from Daytime Traffic
Independent Evaluation ConcludesOffPeakis Meeting Objectives in Moving Los Angeles and Long Beach Port Traffic to Nights and Saturdays, Over First Three Years of Operation
Long Beach,CAL,USA -MarketWatch -Jul 23, 2008: --PierPASS Inc. today announced that itsOffPeak programhas diverted more than nine million truck trips from peak daytime traffic since the program's start three years ago today...The program, which created nighttime and Saturday shifts at the Port of Los Angeles and Port of Long Beach, has eliminated costly bottlenecks in the ports, reduced gridlock on area freeways and curtailed air pollution from idling traffic...The nine millionth truck trip occurred during the week of June 23...AsOffPeak approached its third anniversary, terminals operators have reviewed it to determine whether it continues to meet its objectives... PierPASS retained an independent economic research and strategic planning firm, BST Associates, to conduct the review..."TheOffPeak programhas caused a significant shift of port truck traffic from day to evening hours," theBST reportconcluded."Without the financial incentive ofthe OffPeak programit is likely that traffic would shift back to daytime peak hours. The OffPeak Programhas met its objectives and should be continued."...As part of its evaluation, BST reviewedCaltrans traffic data collected on freeways near the ports... Another study, conducted by researchers atthe University of Southern California and California State University, Long Beach, concluded that"the PierPASS programachieved its objective of shifting truck traffic out of peak periods. In doing so, it offset about two years of port growth."...
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