User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Ridiculous * USA - Connecticut to Increases Fuel Taxes on July 1

Jun 4, 2008

Ridiculous * USA - Connecticut to Increases Fuel Taxes on July 1

"I recommend they fuel their vehicles before entering and get out of there (CON) as fast as possible"

USA -Trucker Talk/Truck Blog -3 June 2008: -- A recent news story in the Hartford Courant details the reasons for the increase with lawmakers making the usual hue and cry, but stating that “it's complicated.”... It really isn't complicated at all – they could stop this increase from happening, but it sounds at least for now, that they will wait and see how much public indignation is aroused... After all Connecticut needs to maintain their standing as one of the highest cost of living states. Having grown up in Connecticut and also having quickly abandoned that state as soon as I could, I am always amazed at the high cost of living in that state... Wage earners almost always brag about their income when compared to the rest of the nation, but somehow fail to realize that the state quickly extracts higher than normal taxes and fees on almost every economic activity that occurs which negates any higher earnings. Oh well – for those that continue to reside in Connecticut, I wish them well. For those passing through – "I recommend they fuel their vehicles before entering and get out of there (CON) as fast as possible"...



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