User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKMAKERS' NEWS * USA - Daimler Trucks part of York County plans

May 4, 2008

TRUCKMAKERS' NEWS * USA - Daimler Trucks part of York County plans

Charlotte,NC,USA -The Charlotte Business Journal, by Ken Elkins -May 2, 2008: -- Newly revealed plans for a York County development call for more than 4 million square feet of office space aimed at luring the headquarters of Daimler Trucks North America... The truckmaker is directly involved in the planning process for the development, known informally as Allison Creek... "We are working with the local landowners who submitted the development agreement as well as the county, and have asked for some minor changes," Daimler spokeswoman Amy Sills told... Crescent Resources, the developer of the 2,300-acre project, is working with York County on the master plan for Allison Creek. The plan would combine corporate campus uses with residential neighborhoods and commercial development...



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