User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: COMMON SENSE * Canada - Trucking industry invaluable

May 10, 2008

COMMON SENSE * Canada - Trucking industry invaluable

Charging truckers a fee could not possibly result in a win/win situation. Truckers would be the big losers in this scenario

Windsor,ONT,CAN -The Windsor Star (thanks to SUE BRIMNER/Essex) -May 09, 2008: -- ... Truckers are hardworking taxpayers. According to Statistics Canada, trucking is one of the largest occupational groups in the country with workers who put in higher-than-average hours. Adding another expense to an industry that is suffering with soaring fuel costs will cause a large loss of jobs in the economy and contribute to the industry's decline... Mr. Menard writes: "If the trucking industry balks, let it go elsewhere." (See "Charge Truckers A Fee And Bring In Jobs, Money" -May 1, by Dennis Menard)... Canada is the seventh-largest trading nation in the world with exports in excess of 40 per cent. More than 40 per cent of all goods produced in Canada are exported... The United States, our largest trading partner, receives approximately 75 per cent of our exports. The most economical and timely manner of transporting these goods is by truck. Almost everything used in day-to-day life, or a component of it, has been transported by truck... If we send the trucking industry away from the busiest border crossing in North America, how would we ship the goods we manufacture here?... (P.N.: Some times some journalists must to hear the voice of the people, the common people, the voice of the common sense, that's sometime isn't the sense more common amidst journalists, by proffesional causes, of course)



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