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May 19, 2008

CELL LAW * USA - No sweat for CB radio users

Atlantic City,NJ,USA -Press of Atlantic City, by COURTNEY McCANN -May 19, 2008: -- During the past few months, New Jersey drivers have been plugging themselves into Bluetooth headsets and learning how to use their speakerphones to avoid getting a ticket for using a hand-held cell phone while driving... But one group of drivers not sweating the new state law that went into effect March 1 is truck drivers using CB radios... Truckers use citizens band, or CB, radios to communicate with other drivers while on the road. The radios are mounted in the cabs of the trucks with dangling microphones that drivers need to hold to speak into... The law signed by Gov. Jon S. Corzine that made using a hand-held cell phone while driving a primary, ticketable offense designates CB radios as "amateur radios" and says that they are not included in the ban... Others disagree: David Weinstein of AAA Mid-Atlantic said he finds it difficult to understand why handheld CB radios were exempt from the law... Weinstein recommended that trucking companies find a hands-free alternative for drivers, as opposed to eliminating CB radios from trucks entirely... "There's obviously a need for professional drivers to have the information to let them do their job and do it well," Weinstein said. "But I think the industry would be well-served to be subjected to the law that the rest of us are expected to follow...



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