User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: BORDER TROUBLES * Canada / USA - Dead end for free trade

May 17, 2008

BORDER TROUBLES * Canada / USA - Dead end for free trade

Windsor,ONT,CAN -The Globe and Mail, by BARRIE MCKENNA -May 16, 2008: -- Peter Durant is getting edgy. The 41-year-old Ontario trucker should be on his way to Toledo, Ohio, to pick up a load. Instead, he's stuck at a truck stop outside Windsor, Ont., the U.S. Customs computer system that handles freight has crashed and can't read his electronic manifest... It's another day at the busiest trade gateway on the planet – not a bad day; not a particularly good day. Just thick. Dense layers of security, designed to shield Americans from a world full of threats, have conspired to make life enduringly less predictable for everyone else... Mr. Durant had hoped to get to Toledo, pick up his load, deliver it to Brampton, Ont., and then get back to his home in Spencerville, Ont., outside Ottawa – all in one day. But the morning's border glitch means he'll exhaust the maximum hours of driving he's allowed under U.S. and Ontario transport laws before he gets there... It's all part of an increasingly unpredictable life. But Mr. Durant is still upbeat as his truck rumbles across the Ambassador Bridge and back into Canada... On this day, at least, his is the only truck waiting to enter Canada. A female customs agent swipes his ID card, scans her computer screen to see what he's hauling and waves him through. All in less than 30 seconds...



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