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Apr 11, 2008

INFRASTRUCTURES * USA - Calif. Bonds Will Help Freight Movement

CAL,USA -Transport Topics -11 Apr 2008: -- A $3 billion slate of highway, rail and seaport improvements approved for funding by the California Transportation Commission includes $825 million for 14 projects in Northern California, the San Francisco-area Metropolitan Transportation Commission said... The approved projects include improvements at the Port of Oakland, relocation of the Interstate 80 Cordelia truck scales and the addition of an eastbound truck-climbing lane on I-580 over the Altamont Pass... The addition of a truck-climbing lane to eastbound I-580 over the Altamont Pass is expected to provide significant congestion relief at a serious regional bottleneck, the commission said...The entire 79-project investment program will be funded through the statewide Trade Corridor Improvement Fund, which is aimed at improving California’s goods-movement infrastructure, the commission said...

* Panelists say profit motivates infrastructure investment

Harrisburg,PA,USA -Land Line Magazine , by David Tanner -April 10, 2008: -- The initials “PPP” stand for public-private partnerships in the world of infrastructure financing. A recent roundtable discussion sponsored by the Commonwealth Foundation in Harrisburg, PA, demonstrated that “PPP” can also stand for “profit, profit, profit.”... Pennsylvania state Rep. Richard Geist, R-Altoona, and four panelists from the private sector touted the “pro” side of PPPs without delving too much into the “cons.”... The Commonwealth Foundation is a conservative economics think tank in Harrisburg... Chase discussed how PPPs make profit through management fees and returns that are realized after shareholders are paid... “What comes out of this roundtable is that they are here to make some money, here to make profit on this.”... The panelists often referred to PPPs as a tool in the tool box for states to improve infrastructure. Panelists also frequently stated that PPPs were not a panacea to solve all of a state’s problems... “I’m so tired of the ‘tool in the tool box’ analogy,” Joyce said...



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