User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: MEXICANS' TRUCKS DEBATE * USA - Cross-border program challenged in court

Mar 8, 2008

MEXICANS' TRUCKS DEBATE * USA - Cross-border program challenged in court

Washington,DC,USA -The Sign on San Diego, by Paul M. Krawzak -March 7, 2008: -- A controversial pilot program to test the safety of Mexican trucks traveling throughout the United States has drawn fewer participants than expected, raising the chance that it might be extended to collect additional results, a top federal transportation official said yesterday... In an interview, John Hill, administrator of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, blamed opposition to the program in Congress and among groups such as the Teamsters union for depressing participation... Some trucking companies are reluctant to pay several thousand dollars a year for insurance required to cross the border “in light of the uncertainty of whether or not it (the program) is going to continue,” Hill said... No decision has been made on whether to extend the program, which began Sept. 6 and is scheduled to last one year, the Department of Transportation said... Hill, who has overseen the program since its inception, said one way to collect additional safety data would be to extend the program beyond its scheduled end... (Video from YouTube, by fooey12345 -February 12, 2008: "Minutemen Spot Hazardous Mexican Truck on I-5" - Watch for Mexican trucks on our highways - Call CHP, or the state highway patrol - immediately if you see safety violations as they will follow up. Just dial 411 on your cell phone and they will transfer you to the CHP or the state's highway patrol)



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