User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: CLEAN AIR PLANS * USA - Split over trucks could cost ports

Mar 8, 2008

CLEAN AIR PLANS * USA - Split over trucks could cost ports

Trucking companies should be required to purchase a "clean" fleet of trucks and hire drivers as employees...

Torrance,CA,USA -The Daily Breeze, by Art Marroquin -6 Mar 2008: -- ... as part of the final element of the disputed Clean Trucks Program, a consultant told the Los Angeles Board of Harbor Commissioners on Thursday... However, adopting such a requirement could lead to a loss in business at the port, according to Simon Goodall, a partner with the Boston Consulting Group. Shipping companies would likely move to the neighboring Port of Long Beach or another West Coast harbor to avoid the high costs associated with the plan... A loss in business would only further dent operations at the Port of Los Angeles, where officials are already projecting a second consecutive year of declining cargo container volume due to the nation's poor economic outlook... One way to get the dirtier trucks off the streets is to buy them back from drivers, Goodall said. Additionally, the port should require licensed motor carriers to purchase the new trucks, rather than placing the burden on the drivers, he said... More than 1,000 motor carriers hire drivers to haul goods to and from the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach...



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