User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Truck Thieves * UK - Metals catch the eye of

Feb 27, 2008

Truck Thieves * UK - Metals catch the eye of

London,UK -Road Transport -26 February 2008: -- Criminals are increasingly targeting LGVs for high value metal loads, particularly in the West Midlands, according to Truckpol. The national intelligence unit for road-freight crime says LGVs carrying this sort of goods are typically stolen by force or deception... Truckpol suffered from a lack of accurate statistics provided to it by various police forces in 2007 stats hide scale of truck crime), but it claims around 11% of all truck-related crime last year was for metal goods such as copper and aluminium... This compares with 14% for electrical and 18% for household goods. The unit says thefts of this type in the West Midlands often involved hijacking vehicles and was usually linked to organised criminal gangs...



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