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Feb 26, 2008

INFRASTRUCTURES * USA - Governors join coalition to seek funding

A group of governors has thrown support behind a new coalition pushing to increase federal funding for highways, bridges and other infrastructure

USA -Land Line Magazine, by David Tanner -February 25, 2008: -- ... Gov. Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger of California, and Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City formed Building America’s Future in January to call attention to budget shortfalls and the need to fix and build infrastructure... Coalition members held a press conference Sunday, Feb. 24, to receive support from 13 other governors including Jon Corzine of New Jersey, Charlie Crist of Florida, and Deval Patrick of Massachusetts... Ideas for increased revenue include fuel tax increases, toll roads, congestion pricing, public-private partnerships, vehicle-miles taxes, freight fees, transit ticket taxes and other forms of tax increases... Highway user groups including the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association would like to see a priority on responsible spending of current tax revenue before endorsing increased taxes or tolls around the country...



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