User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Nitrogen for tires * USA - An inflated idea?

Feb 28, 2008

Nitrogen for tires * USA - An inflated idea?

Most everyone knows it's critical to have tires properly inflated to enhance vehicle performance and safety, get longer tire life and increase gas mileage

Houston,TX,USA -The Houston Chronicle/Cars & Trucks, by Tim Spell -February 26, 2008: -- A company, Air Products and Chemicals, claims it can provide a superior alternative to air. Its boast is using nitrogen for tire inflation with its UltraFill High-Purity Nitrogen Tire Inflation System. Available commercially and for individual consumers (I'm awaiting pricing information), the company makes a long list of reasons for the unit's use: ... Filling up with nitrogen can be surprisingly expensive. Prices of $3 to $5 per tire are typical but $10 per tire isn't uncommon. Some gas stations still offer compressed air (which is about 78% nitrogen) free of charge while others charge 25 cents for a minute or so of inflation time...



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