Auckland,New Zealands -The New Zealand Herald, by Mathew Dearnaley -November 19, 2007: -- Ports of Auckland is introducing an ambitious booking system for container trucks this morning to prevent traffic bottlenecks clogging the waterfront... Under the system, which is going on trial at the Fergusson container terminal before the port company decides whether to extend it to the Bledisloe terminal and possibly its general wharves, road carriers are expected to book time-slots around which trucks must turn up to deliver or collect cargo... Trucks travelling from within 100km of the waterfront will be allocated one-hour arrival slots, with 15 minutes' leeway on each side, to be extended to 45 minutes for those driving longer distances... (Photo by Paul Estcourt - Trucks at Fergusson Wharf terminal)Labels: truck bottlenecks
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