USA -The Associated Press, by APRIL CASTRO –10 Sept 2007: --More than a half-million overweight trucks are allowed onto the nation's roads and bridges — an increasingly routine practice that some officials say is putting dangerous wear and tear on an already groaning infrastructure...In interviews with The Associated Press, some experts warned that the practice of issuing state permits that allow trucks to exceed the usual weight limits can weaken steel and concrete, something that investigators say may have contributed to the Minneapolis bridge collapse Aug. 1 that killed 13 people...In 2000, Milwaukee's Hoan Bridgecollapsed when steel girders cracked. Several factors were blamed for the collapse, including a significant number of heavy trucks, some over the normal weight limit, that routinely traveled over the bridge...(AP Photo, by Harry Cabluck - A truck with a "Wide Load" sign crosses the Interstate 35 bridge over Lady Bird Johnson Lake Thursday, Aug. 16, 2007, in Austin, Texas. Built in 1954, some 250,000 vehicles pass over the bridge daily. More than a half-million overweight trucks are allowed onto the nation's roads and bridges an increasingly routine practice that some officials say is putting dangerous wear and tear on an already groaning infrastructure)
* USA - Feds to reimburse states for emergency repairs USA -eTrucker -11 Set 2007: --More than $128 million from theFederal Highway Administrationwill reimburse states and other jurisdictions for recent emergency road and bridge repairs, U.S. Transportation Secretary Mary Petersannounced...The funds will help reimburse states for the costs of construction, detours, debris removal and the replacement of signs, lights and guardrails...The funds announced Sept. 5 are part of an $871 million appropriations package, signed into law byPresident Bushin September 2005, to supplement theFHA’s emergency relief program...To date, $803 million has been distributed, with the balance still available to states upon request...
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