User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: DRIVERS' SHORTAGE * USA - Trucking industry always on the lookout for drivers

Sep 23, 2007

DRIVERS' SHORTAGE * USA - Trucking industry always on the lookout for drivers

Lori Rand and her husband Mike Merriwether, both with college degrees plan, to start their new career soon as truck drivers

Las Cruces,NM,USA -Las Cruces Sun News, by Brook Stockberger -21 Sept 2007: -- ... "We're going to be a team," she said. "We think this is a great way to make a living and see the country"... Each day here in southern New Mexico, trucks roll past on one of the two interstates. Whether carrying produce, car parts, fuel or any number of a myriad of products, the big rigs head all directions, any time of day or night... The trucking industry is looking for drivers... "A truck driver will have a job tomorrow, for life," said Luis Garcia who is president of Mesilla Valley Training Institute, where Rand learned how to be a trucker... Larger companies such as Swift, which has 31 terminals across the country, are constantly hungry for drivers... "Swift has 15,000 trucks and they have training schools and they still recruit from us," he said. "You look in the paper and there're jobs galore for drivers"... (Photo: Swift Transportation Drivers)



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