User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Thank a trucker * USA - Events recognize drivers for their service

Aug 24, 2007

Thank a trucker * USA - Events recognize drivers for their service

The country’s 3.4 million truck drivers will get the royal treatment from their employers, co-workers, and the public during National Truck Drivers Appreciation Week....

Winchester,VA,USA -The Winchester Star, by Lorraine Halsted -August 23, 2007: -- The event begins on Sunday and the American Trucking Associations Inc. is encouraging the industry and the public to recognize drivers for their hard work and the challenges they face on the road... The American Trucking Associations also suggests that trucking companies hold special events — such as pig roasts, picnics, special trips, and family fun weekends — to recognize their drivers... Meanwhile, Terry Stanton, who manages the Strasburg Atlantic Bulk Carrier Corp., a Richmond-based hauling company with a terminal in Strasburg, said the best recognition the public can give to truck drivers is a little courtesy on the road. "Give them a break," he said... Stanton suggested allowing trucks extra room when passing them on the highway, refraining from following them too closely, and showing patience when they drive at slower speeds... "Most trucks are governed so they can only go a certain speed," he said, adding that the vehicles are calibrated by the companies to stay within limits... (Picture by Tom Cunningham from Biglorryblog)



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