User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: BORDER NEWS * Kenya - Panic as Country Bans Overloaded Trucks

Aug 26, 2007

BORDER NEWS * Kenya - Panic as Country Bans Overloaded Trucks

Transport officials from the five-member East African Community will this weekend rush to Nairobi to ask Kenya to suspend its ban against trucks with quadruple axles and more

Nairobi,Kenia -New Times (Kigali,Rwanda)/All Africa (Kampala,Uganda), by Charles Kazooba -24 August 2007: -- ... Kenya has complained that trucks with quadruple axles and more carry excess cargo eroding their roads. Subsequently, Nairobi has placed a ban on such heavy vehicles beginning December this year... But the Permanent Secretary in Uganda's Ministry of Works and Transport, Charles Muganzi, has said that officials responsible for road safety from Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Burundi will travel to Nairobi this weekend and meet on Monday to harmonise their positions... Should Kenya's decision be effected, the volume of imports and exports through the country's port would therefore be negatively affected... Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda and the DR Congo import and export through Kenya... (See Africa's map)



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