User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Interlock * USA - Pennsylvania bill would get tougher with first-time DUI offenders

Aug 25, 2007

Interlock * USA - Pennsylvania bill would get tougher with first-time DUI offenders

PEN,USA -Land Line Magazine -August 24, 2007: -- A bill in the Pennsylvania Senate would require first-time offenders of the state’s drunken driving law to install ignition interlock devices onto their vehicles if they want to continue to drive... State law already requires the devices for repeat drunken drivers who obtain restricted licenses... The interlock is hooked up to the ignition of vehicles. Once the device is installed, a driver must blow into a mouthpiece so the machine can measure the amount of alcohol on a person’s breath. If the driver blows clean, the car will then start; if not, it won’t budge...



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