INFRASTRUCTURES * USA - Big Three support separate Windsor-Detroit bridge
Lansing,Mich,USA -Today`s Trucking (CAN) -31 May 2007: --In what might be their first clear statement on the controversial matter, the Big Three automakers have authored a letter indicating their full support for a new, separate bridge crossing southwest of the Ambassador Bridge...Automakers have the most to lose when trucks are stuck at the only viable current crossing...In a letter addressed toMichigan Senator Alan Cropsey, theAlliance of Automobile ManufacturersandCanadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association-- which includeGM,Ford, andChrysler as members -- both stressed the importance of the binational Detroit River International Crossing's (DRIC) decision to build a new bridge in order to maintain just-in-time deliveries in the auto sector... (Photo: Automakers have the most to lose when trucks are stuck at the only viable current crossing.)
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