Safety * USA - Manufacturers, safety cops debate air disc brake enforcement
Indianapolis,Ind,USA -Today's Trucking (CAN) -9 April 2007: --A terrific debate arose at theCommercial Vehicle Safety Alliance Brake Safety Symposium (CVSA) in Indianapolisnot too long ago, between three manufacturers of air disc brakes and severalCVSA inspectorson how to inspect these brakes at roadside... The trucking industry is awaiting a final rule by theU.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), which is proposing a stopping-distance reduction of 20-30 percent for three-axle highway tractors. That means major market penetration for air disc brakes...Led byLt. Charles Hanafin, training coordinator for commercial vehicle enforcement with the Massachusetts State Police, the inspectors wanted to know how to determine if and when an air disc brake could be declared out of service... Highway inspectors insist they need better ways to tell if disc brakes are in satisfactory conditionBut they don't have external adjustment mechanisms like S-cam brakes. Given that all of the working parts on an air disc brake are inside the caliper, an external visual inspection won't reveal much...
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