Gravity Gun * USA - The Zero-Point Energy Manipulator
New York,NY,USA -Gearlog -April 1, 2007: --Dr. Eli Vance,Harvard graduate and researcher at the Black Mesa Research Facility, has reportedly invented a device that will change the future of moving cargo and rearranging bedrooms forever.The Zero-Point Energy Manipulator, also known as the Gravity Gun, gives the user the ability to lift and move objects of all sizes with the flip of a trigger...Cargo companies are interested in theGravity Gun to help laborers move crates and boxes more efficiently from shipping containers and onto trains and trucks, and the individual version of the device will be small enough to help your local moving company get heavy items up stairs in new homes and apartment buildings, help police move disabled cars from roadways, even help you move groceries from the parking lot into your kitchen...Current versions of theGravity Guncan only move inanimate objects, but Vancereports that he is working on a prototype that incorporates Heisenberg compensators, which will allow it to move animals and people.Farmers and ranchers are interested for obvious reasons, and EMTs and first responders are lining up to try the prototype for emergency situations...
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