User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: DEBATE * USA - Missing birth certificate leaves trucker’s perfect record on roadside

Mar 6, 2007

DEBATE * USA - Missing birth certificate leaves trucker’s perfect record on roadside

Grain Valley,MO,USA - Land Line Magazine/by Charlie Morasch -March 1, 2007: -- James Calloway understands that truckers are required by the federal government to submit to and pass background checks before being issued hazmat endorsements for their commercial driver’s licenses... But Calloway was stunned when the U.S. Department of Transportation announced last week that a pilot program would allow 100 Mexican motor carriers to bring Mexican truckers into the U.S. without a U.S.-issued license... “They’re not going to have to have a CDL license but we have to?” Calloway said. “That’s not fair.”... Still, Calloway said he’d rather be on the road, afforded the same rights in his country as drivers from neighboring countries... “I know the government knows who I am,” he said. “I’ve been on the books too long.”...



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