User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Trucking Jobs * USA - Senate Bill Would Spend $9 Million to Cultivate

Mar 1, 2007

Trucking Jobs * USA - Senate Bill Would Spend $9 Million to Cultivate

Little Rock,AR,USA -The Arkansas Business Online -28 Feb 2007: -- A Senate bill that Arkansas lawmakers referred to the Joint Budget Committee on Monday would appropriate $9 million from the state's general fund for a tuition forgiveness program for Arkansas residents who seek jobs in the trucking, transportation and logistics fields... SB 703, sponsored by Sen. Jack Critcher, D-Batesville, has gained the support of the Arkansas Trucking Association. Critcher says the bill would allow for payment of the training expenses for up to 1,800 new jobs in the trucking, transportation, and logistics industry over the next two years...



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