User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: A little bit of everything * USA - ... from trucks to turkeys to toe jam

Jan 25, 2007

A little bit of everything * USA - ... from trucks to turkeys to toe jam

Concord,MA,USA -The Reading Advocate, by Melanie Sidman -Jan 24, 2007: -- ... There are several streets in Reading with “no truck” signs. The “no truck” signs mean no trucks on that road…duh. My street has one of those signs, and I have trouble understanding why, even with that sign there, trucks still barrel down our road at 900 miles per hour, taking out innocent pedestrians as they stroll down sidewalks. I don’t like waking up and cleaning various body parts off of my lawn. There are certainly other things I could be doing. There are also other ways trucks can get around without having to speed down the streets they aren’t allowed to be on. Why isn’t this enforced more ?...

* USA - A bleg re: trucks idling their engines
Seattle,WA,USA -Grist Magazine, by Roz Cummins -24 Jan 2007: -- Verizon trucks sometimes come and idle their engines all day long in front of my house (sometimes several trucks for several days), and I am told that because they use their engines to power their equipment, they are exempt from EPA guidelines for idling engines... Is there any energy source I could ask them to use instead of running their engines all day? Also, I have asked them to tell me when they are going to be coming so I can plan to work elsewhere that day, but they refuse to do so. Does anyone know if there are any precedents for requiring some kind of notice about work that is obviously scheduled maintenance and not emergency repair work?...


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