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Sep 6, 2006


* NAFTA: Surface trade jumps
WASHINGTON,DC,USA -Today's Trucking -31 Ago 2006: -- Surface trade between Canada, the U.S., and Mexico rose 12.6 percent in June compared to the same month in 2005, the U.S. Department of Transportation reported this week... Surface trade, which makes up about 90 percent of shipments between the three countries, mainly includes freight movement by truck, rail, or pipeline... U.S. imports by truck rose 10 percent from last year $24.4 billion, while truck exports to the U.S.'s NAFTA partners rose 14.2 percent to $23.3 billion...

* Canadá - Contrans buys LTL logistics firm
WOODSTOCK,Ont.,CAN -Today's Trucking -5 Sept 2006: -- Contrans Income Fund, one of Canada's 10 largest for-hire carriers, has completed the acquisition of LTL specialist Cornerstone Logistics Inc. of Oakville, Ont... Cornerstone is a third party logistics provider whose customers require various transportation services within North America, including direct service with no transfers or terminals...


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