User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Ruling - USA - Local trucking company hauls in court win in overtime suit

Sep 2, 2006

Ruling - USA - Local trucking company hauls in court win in overtime suit

Yakima,WA,USA -The Yakima Herald-Republic -2 Sept 2006: -- The state Supreme Court ruled unanimously today in favor of a Grandview agricultural trucking company involved in a protracted wage dispute with five former truck drivers... The court found that Esparza Trucking did not violate state law by failing to pay the drivers overtime for hauling produce during harvest from 1998 to 2001... Ryan Edgely, the Yakima lawyer who represented Esparza, said the decision means packing houses and drivers are now free to make whatever arrangements they want regarding hours and wages during harvest...


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