User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Crowded? - USA - Truck traffic to grow on nation's roads

Aug 1, 2006

Crowded? - USA - Truck traffic to grow on nation's roads

WASHINGTON,DC,USA -The Huntington Herald Dispatch (Huntington,WV)/Gannett News Service, by RAJU CHEBIUM -30 July 2006: -- Think the highways are getting crowded with 18-wheelers? Just you wait... One million more of the big rigs are expected to ply the nation's highways by 2016, up from 2.7 million operating today, according to the American Trucking Associations... The group's chief economist, Bob Costello, cited American consumerism as the main reason for the increase in trucks -- from 18-wheelers carrying products over thousands of miles across interstates to smaller ones like those delivering FedEx and UPS packages...


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