User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: EcoNews - USA - UPS Environment-Friendly Trucks Reach Milestone

Jun 14, 2006

EcoNews - USA - UPS Environment-Friendly Trucks Reach Milestone

UPS trucks using eco-friendly combustibles have made over 100 million miles of package delivering

USA -Spotlighting News -13 June 2006: -- UPS is extremely aware of environmental protection problems, having pioneered hydrogen fuel cell engines' use in business purposes... Alternate to combustion engines are engines relying on hydrogen fuel cells, liquefied natural gas, compressed natural gas, electric or propane...
Another innovation UPS took part in was the development and introduction of the first hydraulic hybrid urban delivery vehicle...
UPS considers introducing 50 hybrid electric vehicles in 2007, providing a 35 pct boost in fuel efficiency compared to trucks replaced... The number of pollution-efficient trucks UPS uses will rise to 12,100 by year's end...


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