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May 20, 2006

Comments - USA - Fueling opportunity

SANTA MONICA, Calif.,USA -Washington Times (Washington,DC), by John Graham -May 19, 2006 - The pain of $3-a-gallon gasoline is causing angry American motorists to demand that the federal government "do something"... The wisest course will be to seek the most effective solutions to our energy problems based on sound economics and science, rather than political considerations... There are three practical steps the U.S. government can take to exert downward pressure on the world price of oil, at least over the next decade or two. These steps should: promote manufacture of motor vehicles that get better mileage; speed the transition from gasoline to alternative fuels such as ethanol; and increase the exploration, production and refining of oil in the United States...
• Improve mileage: Most oil consumed in the United States is used for transportation, particularly on roads and highways... A new program for heavy trucks also should be considered.
• Alternative fuels: One way to increase use of E-85 (a fuel of 85 percent ethanol combined with 15 percent gasoline), would be to conduct more research on lowering the cost of producing ethanol from farm products. There are already some tax incentives for stations to offer E-85, but their effect would be greater if they were buttressed in size and duration.
• Increased supply: Congress has long debated whether a small part of Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge should be opened for oil exploration...


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