User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Tolls - Finland - Suggested for Russian trucks on Finnish roads

May 19, 2006

Tolls - Finland - Suggested for Russian trucks on Finnish roads

Helsinski,Finland -Helsingin Sanomat -19 May 2006: -- An experimental toll for the next three years is being suggested on Russian trucks, for burdening the roads in Southern Finland. The toll would come into force from the beginning of next year... According to Pulliainen's motion, tolls would be collected from heavy transport on a few southern routes: between Hanko and Karjaa, between Vironlahti and the Vaalimaa border crossing, and between Lappeenranta and the Nuijamaa border crossing point. A single payment of EUR 20 to 35 would be levied on these stretches... The toll would not be limited to Russian trucks alone, though they are exceptionally frequent users of the routes in question...


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